Client: United States Institute of Peace (USIP)
Producer: Meridian Hill Pictures
Title: Saaba
Credit: Editor
Type: Series of Documentary Shorts
TV: PBS/WORLD Channel's DOC World
Press: PBS Newshour
Film Festival: AFI DOCS (2018), DC International Film Festival (2018), NYC Independent Film Festival (2018), Africa World Documentary Film Festival (2018), Ciné Droit Libre (2018)
Awards: Best Web Series (NYC Indep. Film Festival)

Producer: Nomadic Wax
Title: Hip Hop Burkinabe
Credit Director/DP/Editor
Type: Documentary Short
Film Festival: BlackStar Film Festival

Client:  More Than Our Crimes & Unchained Stories
Producer: Unchained Stories
Title: Redemption
Credit: Editor
Type: Documentary Short


Client: GS1
Title: GS1 40th Anniversary Film (2014)
Credit: Associate Producer/Researcher/Timelapse-Photographer
Type: Organization Promotional Documentary

Producer: Nomadic Wax
Title: H-Town Hip Hop
Credit: Director/DP/Editor
Type: Documentary Short

Client: Maya Angelou PCS
Producer: Unchained Stories
Title: 25th Anniversary
Credit: Editor
Type: Documentary Short


Client: Namati
Title: People Rising
Credit: Editor
Type: Documentary Short
Film Festival:DC Environmental Film Festival (2023)

Client: Magamba Cultural Activist Network
Producer: Nomadic Wax
Title: Shoko Festival Zimbabwe
Credit: Producer/Editor
Type: Documentary Short

Client: Kalanidhi Dance
Credit: Co-DP
Type: Documentary Short


Client: Small Business Action Network
Title: We’re Still Here (2023)
Producer: Unchained Stories
Credit: Editor
Type: Documentary Short

Producer: Nomadic Wax
Title: Jerry: A Portrait of a Graffiti Artist
Credit: Exec. Producer/Co-DP
TV: Fusion TV

Client: US Institute of Peace
Title: Youth Diaspora Conference
Credit: Co-Director/Editor/DP
Type: Documentary Short



Client: ALEF
Title: ALEF Landing
Producer: Still Life Projects
Credit: Editor
Type: Commercial

Client: Boomi
Title: Modernizing Manufacturing
Producer: Still Life Productions
Credit: Editor
Type: Commercial

Client: Boomi
Title: EDI Modernization with Boomi
Producer: Still Life Productions
Credit: Editor
Type: Commercial

Client: Boomi
Title: Future Proof Your Business
Producer: Still Life Productions
Credit: Editor
Type: Commercial

Client: Boomi
Title: Powering Connection
Producer: Still Life Productions
Credit: Editor
Type: Commercial

Client: CCAN Action Fund
Title: The Renew Act: Ellicott City: Flooding (Maryland)
Credit: Editor
Type: Commercial

Client: Boomi
Title: Middleware Modernization with Boomi
Producer: Still Life Productions
Credit: Editor
Type: Commercial



Client: The Inter American Dialogue
Title: Connecting the Americas to the World (2018)
Credit: Editor/Producer
Type: Promotional Video

Client: L'Arche DC
Producer: Still Life Projects
Credit: Editor
Type: Organization Promotional Mini-Doc

Client: The Inter-American Dialogue
Title: Programming for the Americas (2015)
Credit: Director/DP/Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: Young Playwrights Theater
Credit: Editor
Type: Organization Promotional Mini-Doc


Client: Scott Wallace
Credit: Producer/Editor
Type: Promo Video
Award: Bronze Telly Award (2019)

Client: The Childcare & Learning Center (VA)
Credit: Co-DP, Editor
Type: Organization Promotional Mini-Doc

Client: National Presbyterian Church
Title: 50th Anniversary (2017)
Credit: Editor
Type: Organization Promotional Mini-Doc

Client: The Inter American Dialogue
Title: Sol’s Legacy (2019)
Credit: Editor/Producer, Co-DP
Type: Promotional Video


Client: Social Impact & DAI
Title: Youth Led Democracy Project in the DRC
Credit: Editor
Type: Promotional Video
Press & Larger Project: DAI Youth Development

Client: Scott Wallace
Title: The Unconquered
Credit: Director/Editor
Type: Book Trailer

Client: Zimbabwe Alliance
Title: Zimbabwe Alliance Promotional Video
Credit: Director/Editor/DP
Type: Organization Promotional Video

Client: Issue One
Title: ReFormers Caucus on Fixing Money in Politics
Credit: Editor
Type: Promo Short


Client: NAPABA
Credit: Co-DP/Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: Inner City Inner Child
Credit: Co-DP/Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: The Inter American Dialogue
Title: Building the Future of the Americas (2016)
Credit: Producer & Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: DC United
Title: Out of Many, One | Ryan Hall
Producer: Alfonso Bui
Credit: Editor


Client: Magamba Cultural Activist Network
Title: The Story of Magamba
Credit: Producer/Editor/Co-DP
Type: Organization Promotional Mini-Doc

Client: United Nations Foundation - Universal Access Project
Title: Voices From Haiti: A Provider & A Patient - The Story of PROFAMIL
Credit: Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: Theatere Lab & National League for Nursing
Title: Theatre Lab Life of a Nurse (Life Stories Program)
Credit: Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: The Inter American Dialogue
Title: Bridging 35 Years (2017)
Credit: Editor/Producer
Type: Promo Video


Client: President’s Committee on the Arts & Humanities
Title: Turn Around Arts - New Orleans
Credit: Editor
Type: Promotional Video


Client: United Nations Foundation - Universal Access Project
Title: Voices From Haiti: An Unexpected Family Planning Educator - An Apparel Factory
Credit: Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: Scott Wallace
Title: Scott Wallace Bio Video
Credit: DP/Editor
Type: Promotional Video


Client: Inter-American Dialogue
Title: 2024 Gala Highlight Video
Credit: Producer & Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: United Nations Foundation - Universal Access Project
Title: The Women Behind The Clothes
Credit: Editor
Type: Promotional Video


Client: Inter-American Dialogue
Title: Clean Energy Innovation In Latin America
Credit: Director/Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: Rob Fersh & Mariah Levison
Title: From Conflict to Convergence
Credit: Editor
Type: Book Trailer


Client: Theatre Lab
Title: Life Stories with Life Pieces to Masterpieces
Credit: Editor
Type: Promo Video


Client: NAPABA
Credit: Editor
Type: 2018 Conference Promo Video

Client: The Children’s Chorus of Washington DC
Title: Join Us!
Credit: Editor
Type: Promotional Video

Client: The Inter American Dialogue
Title: Leadership for the Americas (2014)
Credit: DP/Editor
Type: Promotional Video


Client: United Nations Foundation - Universal Access Project
Title: Voices From Haiti: Meet Edline
Credit: Editor
Type: Promo Short

Client: The Children’s Chorus of Washington DC
Title: Children's Chorus of Washington - Season 2024-25
Credit: Editor
Type: Promotional Video



Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: AIE Dijbouti
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video

Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: AIE Latvia
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video

Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: AIE Liberia
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video

Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: AIE Tijuana
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video


Title: Youth & Arts Workshops in Haiti
Credit: Director/Editor/DP
Type: Documentary Short

Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: Nick Cave at the U.S. Embassy (Dakar, Senegal)
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video

Client: Words, Beats, Life
Title: Poet Laureate Series: Amirii Nash (2021)
Credit: Editor
Type: Artist Profile

Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: Mickalene Thomas Mosaic (Senegal)
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video


Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: Thomas Glassford (Mexico)
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video

Client: Words, Beats, Life
Title: Poet Laureate Series - Kenny Carroll III (2017)
Credit: Director/DP/Editor
Type: Artist Profile

Client/Producer: Nomadic Wax
Title: A Moment With PPS the Ghost Writah
Credit: Director/DP/Editor
Type: Artist Profile

Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: Mickalene Thomas Mosaic (Senegal)
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video


Client: Words, Beats, Life
Title: Poet Laureate Series - Charlotte Maleski (2021)
Credit: Editor
Type: Artist Profile

Client: Art In Embassies/US State Department
Title: Dale Chihuly
Producer: Michael JN Bowles
Credit: Editor
Type: Art Installation Video

Client: Smithsonian National Museum of African Art
Title: Africa in Motion
Credit: Director/DP/Editor
Type: Event Video

Client: Quilomboarte
Title: Quilomboarte Decimo Aniversario
Credit: Director/DP/Editor
Type: Documentary Short/Travel Short


Client: Words, Beats, Life
Title: Poet Laureate Series - Sasa Aakil (2021)
Credit: Editor
Type: Artist Profile

Client: Words, Beats, Life
Title: Poet Laureate Series - Kashvi (2022)
Credit: Editor
Type: Artist Profile